Friday, January 4, 2008


Today Josh, Megan and I head off into the wild blue of the vast land of Asia! We will be traveling with Megan around some epic places in Southern China for about 2 weeks then Josh and I squirrel over to Hong Kong to catch a flight to Indonesia. There we will adventure around with Josh's two sisters, Cora and Malyssa (Malyssa is teaching English there through the SALT program). Two and a half weeks later we will head back to Hong Kong for a bit and then make our crazy way up to Shandong province to spend Chinese New Years with with my student, good friend and Chinese teacher, Fengze. Then home home home. It is intimidating but exciting and I will work my best to find my writing inspiration and leave more bits of news as we go along!

1 comment:

Christ's child said...

Hey Mya! This is Karin from Hesston. I am currently in Colombia South America teaching at a school there. I have enjoyed reading your blog about China that I got off your facebook. My blog is and it tells my tells of Colombia if you are interested. Have a great day